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Better Thymes Natural Foods
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Clean Up Your Laundry Habits
Question: How can you get your clothes "clean" if the laundry soap you use is "dirty," full of extraneous stuff--fragrances, chemicals, and fabric softeners, ad nauseum? Answer: You can't. Commercial...
BB Creams
Once upon a time, there was simply kohl. The Egyptians used it to outline their eyes for dramatic effect. It was so popular that today you can't find an ancient tomb that doesn't advertise the look...
Are You Lactose Intolerant?
If dairy foods don't agree with you, you may have trouble digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk, butter, ice cream, cheese, and other foods made from milk and cream. The Missing Enzyme Your small...
Vitamin D3 Is Important In Autoimmune Disorders
Introduction Vitamin D has a well-established role in calcium metabolism and bone health, but recently there has been a great deal of research looking at the effect of vitamin D on other body tissues...
A Clear Complexion
An anti-inflammatory diet full of antioxidants and essential fatty acids (flaxseeds, salmon, walnuts) can help control acne. Stay away from foods that spike insulin (sugar, white flours, pastas)...
Healing Tea for Cold & Flu Season
This fall, use your tea breaks to bolster immunity! Herbal teas can have a beneficial impact on both acute and chronic health problems. Studies indicate drinking tea may have a profound effect on...
In Search of Lost Sleep
It provides energetic recovery and repair from the day's activities and metabolic detoxification from the chemicals to which we are exposed. If you are one of the more than 70 million Americans who...
Herbal Relief for Allergies
Allergies plague many of us. It's easier to prevent flare-ups than to stop full-blown symptoms. Natural remedies can reduce or eliminate them.
Healing Spices: Protect Health Year-round
Powerful plant compounds in these seasonings help fight cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, while working to relieve pain and the discomforts associated with seasonal bouts of colds and flu. That's...
Reduce Anxiety in Depression
Rubbing lavender cream onto the legs before bedtime significantly reduced anxiety, stress, and depression in pregnant women, according to a 2015 study. The women applied the cream for 10 to 20...
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